Amino Trimethylene Phosphonic Acid (ATMP)

Aquapharm manufactures wide range of organophosphonates, under the brand AQUACID.
CAS No.  6419-19-8                                            Molecular weight:  299.05
Molecular Formula: N(CH2PO3H2)3                             Brand Name: AQUACID 108EX
Structural Formula:

ATMP is an oraganophosphonate exhibiting excellent sequestration of metal ions at stoichiometric concentration and threshold inhibition of metal salt precipitation at sub-stoichiometric concentration. The ability of AQUACID 108EX to deflocculates or disperse solid particles combined with its hydrolytic stability makes it a versatile anstiscalant for applications requiring efficient metal ion control.
ATMP is added in various chemical formulations for industrial water treatment, oilfields, industrial cleaners, paper& pulp, textile industry, metal treatment, electroplating, inks &construction chemicals as a scale inhibitor and a complexing agent.


Clear colorless to pale yellow aqueous solution
Physical State
Active Content
50% (as Acid)
Specific Gravity @ 25oC
PH of 1% Solution @  25oC
Freezing Point oC
Chloride as Cl-
<1.0 %
Iron (Fe) PPM

These are typical values mentioned here. Please contact us for latest product specification.

Alternate name/synonyms:

Нитрилотриметилфосфоноваякислота(НТФ -кислота)


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